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Point faster and make more money in 2021! (1)

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The Pnu-Point Pointing and Grouting Tool 

Super for brickwork, stonework, cobbles, paving and brick slips


It's the pointing tool that works.

 Powered by low pressure compressed

 air  (32 psi / 2 bar), the tool has no moving parts. 

Nothing to go wrong: just keep the tool clean.





Despite price increases on virtually every item that goes into the Pnu-Point Pointing Tool we purchase  we are holding all our prices for another year.



 The tool is sold wherever there is pointing to be done: virtually all countries in Europe, the USA and Canada, Australia, New Zealand. We have even sold to China and Japan!


The tool might seem expensive , but customers tell us that they get their money back in the first day or two of use.


 The Pnu-Point Tool enables you to point faster and cleaner with virtually any mortar.

The Pnu-Point pushes the mortar to the back of the joint, so completely filling it.

The Pnu-Point is clean to use and easy to clean after use: just wash out with water.

The Pnu-Point has no moving parts so nothing to go wrong.


Customers tell us that they can point 50 square metres or more of brickwork per day with the Pnu-Point. 


Feed back from customers:

  • before they purchased the Pnu-Point they were tired of shoving mortar into joints, had aching wrists from using hand powered glorified mastic guns, or were fed up with repairing and unblocking auger type pointing tools.
  • the tool is quick and easy to to use, good with any mortar, cement or lime (except lime putty). Works wonderfully with bagged ready mixed mortars, but do not need to buy them as it works just as well with local sands.
  • the Pnu-Point fills joints from the back of the joint, does not bleed onto the face of the work and wastes very little mortar.
  • lime (hydraulic ) mortars, cement mortars with local sand all work well with the Pnu-Point. Expensive bagged mortars are not required.
  • the Pnu-Point pays for itself in the first day or two of use.

You might have read the reviews on U-TUBE: some of of them are adverse but if you look at the writers you will see that they are voicing opinions without having used the Pnu-Point tool: just look at some of the quality work carried out by our customers.

We have customers across the world: USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Slovenia, Canary Islands, Spain, Poland, Finland and of course nearer to home: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Isles and England. We have even sold in Japan to re-point the fire bricks in a blast furnace and to China to point light weight brick slip panels!


Carriage in the UK is always next day dispatch with Parcelforce48 .

Carriage to the US and Canada usually takes around 4 days.

Carriage to most parts of Europe before  BREXIT  usually took about 2 days. Unfortunately it now takes about a week.



Here is a sample of projects carried by our customers: to read more about these and other projects click here



or go to our "Customers Projects" page or go straight to the shop and buy one! Click here !






Brick Slips


to read more about these and other projects click here
or go to our "Customers Projects" page



Or if you have seen enough and want to order either telephone us at 01913869358, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or go to our web shop by clicking here or the Pnu-Point Store tab at the top of the page.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to call or email us. We are here to help!



Tool Pointing Lime

Comments from US and Canada

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Comments from one of our first US customers. Jesse in Kansas

"A few shots of the house now that I have had it for over a month, and a couple of shots of the work i did this week in the basement. still several walls to go down there, to demo and point, but I was thrilled with the first run, and with the performance of the gun. I showed the gun to my mason, and he loved it. Will be in touch."

This was his second email:


My body is quite tired from the work we pulled off the past two days. I was able to refine my moves alot the second day after the experimental day. I think we did about 150 square feet of stone with two guys. 11 bags of mortar total. i'm happy with the type S mortar downstairs. the stone is not soft, it is bedrock. Once I perfect my finishing moves with the brush and tools, I will be ready to start outside in the early spring, weather permitting.

The tool worked perfectly, and had zero clogs. the burping problem, where the last bit of air chokes thru the nozzle and spits the mortar, i worked thru that. I felt that the control of the trigger, how sensitive it is, was very nice, and allowed me to establish a relative plane for the finished face in the fill stage.

I was able to mix two 80 lb. bags of mortar at a time, and use it all very quickly with the gun.

Will take a few shots of the work and show it to you soon.

I actually think that a second gun will be warranted for the exterior project. I found that stopping to refill was not that great, so if i had a second gun, i could just give one of my guys the task of filling, and he could just hand me a continually full gun.

Having fun, and enjoying the tool.



Hey Peter,

Thanks for the email. Yes I have been using your tool almost steady for the last six weeks.Works amazing like you said with no real problems.I love the fact that I can modify the tips to fit a flexible hose etc.We were working on an old barn restoration whereas the mortar joints were 1- 1 1/2" wide and little mortar remaining behind some stone. I was able to shoot mortar into these joints and behind the stones which would have been impossible to do my hand; very impressed.

Darryl Irwin

Stone Hollow Farm



Contact Darryl at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I have used the Pnu-Point gun today and it works better than what I thought it would do. The weight of the gun is lighter and balanced better than the quik point. We had a race with the two and you know which gun won "pnu point". I had to make the mortar stiffer because it comes out easier than the quik point gun, that gun needs loose wet mortar. I have one question, air comes out of the valve on the lid when I am holding the trigger down. Is this normal???
I am very!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy with the pnu-point gun.
Thank you,
Jonathan Oglesby
J James Masonry
Green Bay
Contact Jon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

( in answer to Jon's question: yes air does come out of the lid valve at all times: it is essential for the operation of the tool: Peter at Pnu-Point)

hi peter. tool worked really well. proper consistency of mortar very important as well as the pressure. i wonder if more pressure with larger relief valve would allow a stiffer mix of mortar to pass . feel free to pass my email address to potential buyers for imput . all positive from my side. twig

Contact Twig at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(In answer to Twigs question: if you increase the pressure over 2 bar (32psi)there is danger of the water being pushed out of the mortar mix: segregation. This makes the mortar stiffer so it stops flowing. Don't do it. Peter at Pnu-Point)

Tool Pointing Lime

Tyne Valley Steading Renovation

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Tyne Valley Steading Renovation and Conversion


The village of Longstones is prettily situated on the south face of the Tyne valley a few miles from Hexham. The proximity to the history of Hadrian's Wall, the shops and resturants of Hexham and the wonderful wild countryside of Northumberland make it an ideal situation for holiday lets. A farm steading at Longstone is currently undergoing extensive conversion to a group of high quality appartments and houses. The work is being carried out by M Maughan Joinery (07803603968).


The work involves significant modification to the barns and steadings. New doors and windows, blocking up of existing openings, additional walls, all to be carried out under the planning requirements of a building within a National Park!

To achieve this the company carried out the building work and then repointed the entire group of buildings. New stone work joints were raked our together with the existing structure, the buildings were sandblasted and then repointed using Pnu-Point pointing tools.

They adopted a "blietzkrieg" method of pointing: choose a good day and go for it! Using a team of five men, two pointing with the Pnu-Points, two striking the joints and the last guy looking after the mortar they pointed around 150 m2 in a day. Using this technique all the stone work looks the same, new and old stone is indistinguishable.


View of the steading.

Mix of new and existing stone after pointing
















North facing wall: pointed in one day.


The walls are new, the gable end is old.

Tool Pointing Lime


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Don't just take our word for it - watch and see for yourself how easy and quick this tool can transform pointing for you.


If you would like to watch the video on your TV: email, phone or write to us for a free DVD.


The Pnu-Point in the video is an old Mark 1 Pnu-Point: the current Mark 2 has a heavier , more robust body, improved air relief valve and nylon, injection moulded nozzles with stainless steel inserts.


Click CONTACT for an email form or telephone 44 (0)1913869358 or write to us at Pnu-Point Ltd, 8 Broadway Avenue, Trimdon, Co Durham, TS29 6PU, UK


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Tool Pointing Lime

About Us

Pnu-Point Ltd provides innovative solutions

for the building industry.